

Kasım 2020

Brüno 2009 German full Volledige Film Torrent Herunterladen


Brüno 2009

Brüno 2009 German full Volledige Film Torrent Herunterladen

Seeds 40 Peers 42

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Der auffällige und schwule Österreicher Brno sucht in Amerika einen neuen Ruf.
Autor Larry Charles:
Sacha Baron Cohen (Drehbuch), Anthony Hines (Drehbuch) Brno ist ein schwuler österreichischer Modelehrer. Sie hat ihre eigene Fernsehsendung Funkyzeit, die beliebteste deutschsprachige Sendung außerhalb Deutschlands. Nach seiner Verlegenheit vor der Funkyzeit-Fangemeinde wurde er im deutschsprachigen Europa zerstört. Er beschloss, auf der Suche nach weltweitem Ruhm nach Los Angeles zu ziehen und sich neu zu erschaffen. Er wurde in den USA von Lutz, seinem ehemaligen Assistenten, begleitet. Lutz ist der einzige zurückgelassene Mensch, der noch an die Größe Brünns glaubt. Brünn geht eine seiner Entdeckungen nacheinander durch und verliert sich schließlich weit von sich. Wenn Brünn seine Lieblingsbeschäftigung findet, bekommt er vielleicht auch den Ruf, den er wirklich will.


Brüno 2009 German full Volledige Film Torrent Herunterladen2020-11-08T01:58:18+00:00

Avid Pro Tools HD 10.3.2 Windows (Patch-V.R) Downloaden Torrent


Avid Pro Tools HD 10.3.2 Windows (Patch-V.R)

Avid Pro Tools HD 10.3.2 Windows (Patch-V.R) Downloaden Torrent

Seeds 33 Peers 12

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In Pro Tools gelöste Probleme

* Automatisierungs-Haltepunkte werden beim Bearbeiten von Clips nicht mehr unnötig hinzugefügt, wenn die Bearbeitung aktiviert ist. (PTSW-173028)

* Die Audioautomatisierung der obersten Ebene, die dann mit dem Befehl Strip Silence verarbeitet wird, bleibt erhalten. (PTSW-170804)

* Sehr große Dateien, die nach Interplay exportiert werden, werden nicht unter Quarantäne gestellt. (PTSW-154522)

* Der Hostname / die IP-Adresse des Webdienstes wird jetzt zwischen dem Export “Send to Play” gespeichert. (PTSW-172334)

* Die Beat Detective-Aufnahmeoption erfasst die korrekte Endzeit basierend auf der Auflösung der ausgewählten Note anstelle des tatsächlichen Übergangspunkts. (PTSW-172978)

In Pro Tools gelöste Probleme

* Unter bestimmten Umständen werden unerwünschte Daten nicht mehr am Ende der Datensätze hinzugefügt. (PTSW-170032)

* In Pro Tools HDX-Systemen treten bei Sitzungen in bestimmten Mischpultkonfigurationen keine unerwünschten Geräusche auf. (PTSW-166529)

* Mit zunehmender Abtastrate werden jetzt Signale gezeichnet, deren Clips außerhalb des Bildschirms beginnen (anstelle einer späten Abtastung). (PTSW-162497)

* Wenn Sie die Schaltfläche “Automatisierung folgt Bearbeitung” richtig drücken, wird die aktuelle Auswahl aktualisiert, um den neuen Status der Schaltfläche wiederzugeben. (PTSW-170044)

* Automatisierungs-Haltepunkte außerhalb des angegebenen Auswahlbereichs, die den angegebenen Automatisierungskantenwerten (redundante Haltepunkte) entsprechen, ändern sich während der Eingabe nicht mehr. (PTSW-171725)

* AudioSuite-Funktionen mit der vollständigen Dateieinstellung führen nicht mehr zu unerwünschten Änderungen der Audiodaten oder unerwarteten Pro Tools-Ausgaben. (PTSW-170456, PTSW-170920)

* Im dynamischen Transportmodus, in dem die Timeline aktiviert ist und die Auswahl bearbeitet wird, bewegt sich der Wiedergabekopf nicht mehr, bis die Auswahl beginnt. (PTSW-172367)

Systemanforderungen für Pro Tools HD 10


* Computer: Ein Windows-basierter Computer, der die Anforderungen erfüllt (siehe Details).

* Systemsoftware (32-Bit- oder 64-Bit-Version) für Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional oder Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 für Windows 7

* Allgemeiner System-RAM: Es werden mindestens 4 GB, 8 GB (oder mehr) empfohlen

Zusätzliche Anforderungen

* Pro Tools | HD-Audio-Interface (erforderlich) und Peripheriegeräte (siehe Details)

* Audioanforderungen: eine oder mehrere Festplatten für die Aufnahme und Wiedergabe von Audio (siehe Details)

* Systemfestplatte: Für die Installation von Pro Tools sind mindestens 15 GB freier Speicherplatz erforderlich

* Grafikkarte: speziell empfohlene Grafikkarte (siehe Details)

* Videozubehör (siehe Details)

* Avid Shared Storage und Kommunikation (siehe Details)

Pro Tools-Softwareeinstellungen

* Videosatellit mit Medienkomponist (siehe Details)

* Maschinensteuerung (siehe Details)

* Satellitenverbindung (siehe Details)

* Videosatellit LE (siehe Details)


* Gemeinsame Installation von Media Composer (siehe Details)

* Mac-Geräteübersicht (siehe Details)


* Laden Sie die neuesten Treiber für Ihre Hardware herunter und installieren Sie sie.

Sprachen: Englisch (USA), Französisch, Deutsch, Japanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Chinesisch (traditionell), Koreanisch, Spanisch.



Avid Pro Tools HD 10.3.2 Windows (Patch-V.R) Downloaden Torrent2020-11-07T19:07:45+00:00

KMSpico 10.2.0 Portable (Office and Windows Activator) Torrent Baixar


KMSpico 10.2.0 + Portable (Office and Windows Activator)

KMSpico 10.2.0 + Portable (Office and Windows Activator) Torrent Baixar

Seeds 47 Peers 44

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KMSpico – é a ferramenta perfeita para ativar a última versão do Windows 7/8 do Office 2010/2013/2016. O ativador não requer intervenção do usuário, todo processo de ativação ocorre em segundo plano, execute ativador verifique status de ativação do Windows / ou Office por alguns minutos.

Se você gosta do MS Windows do MS Office, por favor compre um programa válido original para testar este produto, mas recomendamos que você compre de um fabricante legítimo (M $ Corp). Eu fiz isso por diversão agora estou feito. Trabalhando na nova edição da licença de instalação volume W10 Office 2016. E olhos ne, Goodbye, Hejd, Ciao, Aloha, Zegnaj, Doei

Baseado no KMSEmulator de código aberto: mikmik38, qad, cynecx, Alphawaves, jm287, HotBird64, zm0d, CODYQX4.

Opções sugeridas:

– Abra uma exceção para a pasta% ProgramFiles% no Antivirus ou Defender.


– NET ou Windows 8


– Windows Vista Bussines / Enterprise

– Windows 7 Professional / Enterprise

– Windows 8 completo (por enquanto)

– escritório 2010/2013/2016 (em teoria)

– Windows Server 2008 / 2008R2 / 2012 / 2012R2 / 2016 (em teoria)

Mudança de versão:

– Corrija bug ativando Office 2010 / W10.

– Adicionar recurso para remover endereço IP do emulador KMS após a ativação do produto / W10.


1. Remova a versão anterior, execute-a primeiro: com direitos de administrador.

2. Corra

3. Instale.

4. Feito

==================================================== == == == =============

Visite-nos em:

================================================== == == == ===========

KMSpico FINAL + Portable (Office Windows 10 Activator)

KMSpico – é uma ótima ferramenta para ativar a versão mais recente do Windows 7/8 do Office 2010/2013. O ativador não requer nenhuma intervenção do usuário, todo processo de ativação ocorre em segundo plano, inicie ativador verifique status de ativação do Windows / ou Office por alguns minutos.

Importante: Se você gosta do MS Windows do MS Office, compre um programa original válido para testar este produto, mas recomendamos que você compre de um fabricante legítimo (M $ Corp). Eu fiz isso por diversão agora estou feito. Trabalhando na nova edição do W8 Office 2013 instalação licenças por volume.

Opções sugeridas:

– Abra uma exceção para a pasta% ProgramFiles% KMSpico * .exe no Antivirus ou Defender.


.NET ou Windows 8/2012.


Windows Vista Bussines / Enterprise

Windows 7 Professional / Enterprise

Windows 8


Office 2010/2013

Windows Server 2008 / 2008R2

Windows Server 2012 / 2012R2

Nível de visualização técnica do Windows Server 9841/9860 todos

Etapa de amostra técnica do Windows 10 9841/9860/9888 Todos

Registro de alterações:

– Corrija pequenos bugs.

– Detalhes de log aprimorados.

—————- +

| Como usar

+ —————- +

1) Abra leia as instruções

Tópicos de apoio:

Quaisquer comentários sobre qualidade são apreciados

ThumperDC / TechTools

====================================================== == === ==============================

Se precisar de ajuda, poste em nosso fórum, obrigado

==================================================== == == == =============================


KMSpico 10.2.0 Portable (Office and Windows Activator) Torrent Baixar2020-11-07T12:53:24+00:00

Train To Busan 2016 XViD Clean Audio WaFFeLz movie torrent


Train To Busan 2016

Train To Busan 2016 XViD Clean Audio WaFFeLz movie torrent

Seeds 39 Peers 47

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While a zombie virus is spreading in South Korea, two passengers are struggling to survive on the train from Seoul to Busan.

Director: Sang-ho Yeon

Author: Sang-ho Yeon (Screenplay)

Stars: Yoo Gong, Soo-an Kim, Yu-mi Jeong

Genres: Action | Horror | Thriller

Country: South Korea

Language: Korean


Choose the 1080p source, coded and versatile English captions. sharp the video too. made for the site because there is no launch for it, so here it is for the world to enjoy !!! Example looks like a fantastic movie !!

P / S: we need to start retailing and get some quality back on track. you are tired of things with one click. ?

Video: AVC MKV 720×384

Audio: AAC 44100Hz stereo

Duration: 1 hour 58 minutes

Language: foreign

Subtitles: English captions are coded throughout

Source: 1080p

Encoder: CPG

Example: included


Train To Busan 2016 XViD Clean Audio WaFFeLz movie torrent2020-11-07T08:31:47+00:00

Brawl Stars download torrent


Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars download torrent

Seeds 47 Peers 43

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Beat your enemies in this MOBA GameBrawl Stars – a free 3-on-3 strategy game with Supercell that guides online opponents by shooting, firing bombs and knocking them into the glory of multiplayer riots. Similar in artistic style to other Supercells, such as Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, Brawl Stars is a MOBA (multiplayer battlefield) game and has several game modes to compensate for the lack of a single story for a single campaign. Even if you have a smartphone, you can still play that name on your computer with Tencent Android Gaming Buddy emulator.

BrawlerBrawl Stars mode has a huge selection of characters that can play just like other MOBA games. Here you play great Schaulers, all of whom have unique personality and skills that you can use to your advantage. However, not all of them are free, or you will have to make an effort to unlock more or spend real money to take advantage of the shortcut. Brawl stars also allow you to wear them on the most beautiful skin you can buy or buy, and they have great potential that can be used for a long time, battling the silly skills you can unlock along the way. In addition to the various game models, Brawl Stars always looks fresh with the ones you can find on your team. (Function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Charity the third time Like other MOBAs, you will feel a huge investment in team building with guests or your own friends. However, in Brawl Stars the limit of participants is up to three, so you’ll need to choose your brawlers carefully. You can also take on a few challenging games on your own or with a loyal partner, as there are other game modes that provide solo and duo play. A small number of players on the field compared to other MOBAs is one of the resumes of Brawl Stars. Your battlefield is smaller than most, but still quite difficult, and you have to be clever using small space against your opponents. Your friends. Take the famous Stone you are in a hurry, along with an enemy team of 3 players to collect and hold 10 Fireplaces on the map for as long as possible. The show features one and two players in the Battle of the Royal Battle on a map filled with reinforcements to reinforce your fighter. Bounty is the same as grabbing a gem, but instead of games you collect stars, and you can only get them by taking opponents. On the other hand, Theft is a basic security system that you must unlock in your safe and protect your teams while they are safe. You can even play football or football on the map with Ball Brawl. Brawl Stars offers many special and short-lived cases, like the Clobberin TimeFor Supercell game, Brawl Stars is well designed and heavy in its comfort. It faces the same old challenges and games in real time, and that’s not too bad compared to how Brawl Stars is doing well for most of its players. Playing on your computer with Tencent Gaming Buddy can help solve connection problems, so it is recommended to try the game in the Supercells column.


Brawl Stars download torrent2020-11-07T02:05:41+00:00

Windows 10 X64 10in1 2004 OEM ESD en-US SEP 2020 {Gen2} download torrent


Windows 10 X64 10in1 2004 OEM ESD en-US SEP 2020 {Gen2}

Windows 10 X64 10in1 2004 OEM ESD en-US SEP 2020 {Gen2} download torrent

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Windows 10 X64 10in1 OEM ESD fr-US SEP 2020

Version 2004 Build

* Fail:

* Size: 5.56 GB

* Format: but ISO

* CRC32: 82fe3c46

* MD5: 562bca79c0161e4e0f8f812b9bd7648a

* SHA-1: 9198c59132684f7cc5ec0845814b2f2190ac1f0d

Previously integrated / installed:

* Maintenance stack update:

* KB4577266

* Cumulative updates:

* KB4571756

* NET Framework

* Cumulative updates

* NET Framework and:

* KB4570721

* Flash Player Security Update:

* KB4561600

Complete configuration / installation:

* Defender update


* Start Windows 10 – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Professional – – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Education – – STD / DLA

* Windows 10 Enterprise: STD / DLA

* STD = Standard installation: for those who have their own license key

* DLA = digital license activation (HWID)

* OEM: will be activated automatically if installed

* same version as original equipment

* Ready for UEFI

* (Use the connected Rufus USB device to boot UEFI)

* Diagnostic and recovery tools (Microsoft DaRT)

* compressed in recovery format ()

* Make USB bootable (strongly recommended) with Rufus,

* (attached) or recorded on DVD-DL at slow speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* Hope you enjoy this version.

* Hello,

* Generation2

* Windows 10 X64 19H1 10in1 OEM ESD to USA USA APRIL 2020

* Version 1909 Build

* Fail:

* Size: 5.54 GB

* Format: but ISO

* CRC32: 8bda04a0

* MD5: 8268685b788c9cbccb61b7563575f1f1

* SHA-1: 44ac555571fceaf489da74ff6c4bda126ebe6eac



Previously integrated / installed:

* Maintenance stack update:

* KB4552152

* Cumulative updates:

* KB4549951

*. NET Framework

* Cumulative updates

*. NET Framework and:

* KB4537572

* Flash Player Security Update:

* KB4537759


* Start Windows 10 – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Professional – – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Education – – STD / DLA

* Windows 10 Enterprise: STD / DLA

* STD = Standard installation: for those who have their own license key

* DLA = digital license activation (HWID)

* OEM: will be activated automatically if installed

* same version as original equipment

* Ready for UEFI

* (Use the connected Rufus USB device to boot UEFI)

* Diagnostic and recovery tools (Microsoft DaRT)

* compressed in recovery format ()

* Make USB bootable (strongly recommended) with Rufus,

* (attached) or recorded on DVD-DL at slow speed.

* WindowsAddict, author of the Windows activation script

* Hope you enjoy this version.

* Hello,

* Generation2


Windows 10 X64 10in1 2004 OEM ESD en-US SEP 2020 {Gen2} download torrent2020-11-06T21:00:36+00:00

AnyDesk fast-dl 64/32 Bit Torrent Download



AnyDesk fast-dl 64/32 Bit Torrent Download

Seeds 40 Peers 48

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Connect remotely to the device! AnyDesk is one of the most popular remote desktop applications in the world. With built-in server technology, the software focuses on extremely fast connection speeds. The simple interface allows even beginners to use the program from the beginning. Although there are other popular programs such as TeamViewer and Ultraviewer, AnyDesk makes it easy to connect to the terminal at home or work. Basic technology allows you to write the same files, encode the same videos and do whatever you want if you were connected to the main technology using a simple interface! (Function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); AnyDesk is a free and easy-to-use remote desktop solution that lets you access documents and files from any device in a variety of locations. Although the program is very popular with developers, it still takes to heart a wide range of features such as file sharing, user interface, online collaboration and applications such as VNC and XShell, AnyDesk is designed for small and medium businesses . for medium business. Comes with a built-in address book that makes it easy to keep track of contacts and contacts. In addition, it allows each user to see the online status of their partners with the free download of AnyDesk for Windows, easily connect in areas with low data transfer and lower bandwidth. With the application management tool, you can remotely manage, restart, create invoices and manage invoicing, allowing you to manage your work from anywhere, in any AnyDesk program, and how to use it? Like other programs such as Remote Utilities Host, AnyDesk Software Download for Windows uses a unique identification number for immediate connection. AfterAfter downloading the program and completing the installation, you will be prompted to create your own nickname based on your settings and requirements. This can be shared with colleagues, making it easier to remember the name, rather than a randomly generated string connected to both the client and the host via AnyDesk, so you can share the remote desktop ID between them. All you have to do is enter the ID in the remote section of the software to establish a strong and fast connection. A computer that shares its address is another subscription-controlled computer that allows you to use it unattended. You can easily set a password in the Settings menu. In addition, AnyDesk downloads for Windows 10 allow you to set different permissions to create transparent and secure connections. Thanks to special privileges, employees can hear sounds from a remote computer, view the screen, use the clipboard, control the keyboard and mouse, and perform various other functions. Because AnyDesk works smoothly in portable mode by default, you can easily install the software as a regular computer program. After establishing an active remote connection, you can use various settings from the menu bar. In addition, AnyDesk allows you to change the connection method. High video quality, speed, and balance between other settings can also be adjusted, including sending audio, remote cursor display, stopping clipboard synchronization, disabling read-only screenshots, and blocking transfer files with AnyDesk? It’s easy to transfer files to any desktop computer. All you need to do is copy them to the clipboard before connecting to a remote computer terminal. However, AnyDesk also comes with a file management tool that is availableuse separately from the remote access tool. The program allows you to easily restart your computer remotely or even print available documents. For ease of use, AnyDesk allows you to store connection shortcuts on your desktop. You can switch between pages in just a few clicks during a management session. In fact, you can even save the session to a regular video file. AnyDesk allows you to instantly send keyboard shortcuts to the remote control that you require to log on to the client computer, and the image of your user account is displayed as an ID. Similarly, the tool displays a list of previous connections at the bottom of the screen, making it easier to use old connections. There is a “System Information” tab that displays detailed information about the remote control that you downloaded from AnyDesk for PC, and uses DeskRT, a video codec specifically designed to encode video in computer interfaces. In this way, it performs the task smoothly and allows you to clearly see the client’s computer screen. Combined with the software’s built-in server technology, this codec helps you create lightning connections, whether you need them at night or in a remote location where convenience and speed are more important than yours. to top it all off, AnyDesk is a great choice. Compared to other online options, the simple interface, wide range of features and fast connection speed make AnyDesk a free download for Remote Desktop Environment as a great remote access program! When it comes to remote desktop applications such as Ammyy Admin and others, unattended access is a must. While most programs offer this feature, the free download of AnyDesk goes beyond the basics to provide you with the app. This allows you to focus on different resolutions and typesaccess to facilitate login. It should be noted that many remote desktop programs require certain modifications to the router, such as port forwarding. However, AnyDesk does not require such modifications. As a result, popular Remote Desktop software can be quickly downloaded and a connection can be established internally. AnyDesk Download is a great choice that comes with a full built-in file transfer utility. Although many remote access tools support file transfer by copying / pasting, AnyDesk is more intuitive in processing these processes and saves a lot of time. Without a doubt, this is one of the main download options in this category.


AnyDesk fast-dl 64/32 Bit Torrent Download2020-11-06T17:43:28+00:00

Windows 10 Activator Download


Windows 10 Activator

Windows 10 Activator Download

Seeds 49 Peers 36

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Windows 10 Activator

Microsoft Toolkit – a multifunctional KMS driver for Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8 / Server, 2012 and Office 2010/2013 operating systems. Includes a set of tools for managing licensing and activation. It can use the enabled KMS even if you use a retail license. So we get a driver for modern Microsoft products.


Microsoft .NET framework or (not)

Microsoft Office 2010 or later for Office Toolbox support

Windows Vista or later support for the Windows Toolkit

KMSpico – is the perfect tool for activating the final version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. The stimulator does not require user intervention, the entire activation process takes place in the background, just run the stimulator and a few minutes to verify Windows activation status and / or systematically.


.NET or Windows 8/2012.

NOTE: For some users KMSpico works, but for some people Microsoft Toolkit works well, so try your luck with either and let us know in the comments


Windows 10 Activator Download2020-11-06T12:44:46+00:00

Microsoft Office 2007 Torrent


Microsoft Office 2007

Microsoft Office 2007 Torrent

Seeds 36 Peers 48

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Important Note: The trial version for Microsoft Office 2007 is no longer a download button as this program directs you to the latest version of Office. You can also get the Premium version and get the most out of Office Office is the most popular and comprehensive productivity network, both at home and in professional environments. The tools included in it depend on the exact edition you are using (Microsoft Office Professional, Standard, Small Business, or Home and Student), but generally cover all major areas of your day-to-day computer (function () {(‘ review-app-desktop-page) ‘);}); Microsoft Office 2007 has a completely redesigned interface called “Ribbon”, a quick access bar with buttons for the most frequently used functions. While this new design is meant to make the workflow faster and smoother, it does require some familiarity (especially after years of spending the same design). Whatever edition you use, the four main uses in Microsoft Office are Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook, which in some cases remain the industry standard for document creation and management: Word helps you perform all kinds of tasks related to written documents, from simple text editing to complex documents, including macros, tables, images and forms; Excel is a classic application for dealing with numbers, calculations and math formulas, all in 2D spreadsheets or 3D color charts; PowerPoint helps you create compelling presentations with sound effects and transitions to attend your lectures and lectures, combining ease of use with professional results; and finally, Outlook is a standard email solution in many corporate environments thanks to seamless integration with Exchange servers, support for digital signatures and great add-ons (tasks, calendars and more). Microsoft Office is a complete productivity, whether you like it or not, Microsoft Office 2007 is definitely an industry standard in productivity networking.


Microsoft Office 2007 Torrent2020-11-06T04:48:29+00:00

Dolby Atmos Premium 2019 for Windows 10 {B4tman} torrent


Dolby Atmos Premium 2019 for Windows 10 {B4tman}

Dolby Atmos Premium 2019 for Windows 10 {B4tman} torrent

Seeds 36 Peers 20

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On request:

Screenshot: –

Description: –

Dolby Atmos is a popular surround sound format, a competitor to DTS: X, and can be found in everything from the largest commercial theaters to the smallest home theaters. The “captivating” format has also been used as a new way to enjoy music on mobile phones and speakers from The Beatles to Ariana Grande. Although the biggest change from the previous format is the addition of channel pitch, the Atmos soundtrack works with a traditional five-speaker and subwoofer system () or as many (or as few) speakers as you have.

Features: –

Dolby Atmos transforms your entertainment experience

The sound moves around you

Instead of being limited to channels, sound can be precisely positioned and moved in three-dimensional space.

Add an overall dimension

The new sense of height dives into action, creates a complete sound scene and presents realistic objects that move overhead.

Produces incredible sound quality

Dolby Atmos offers everything from dialogue to quiet scenes to whirlwinds with amazing clarity, richness, detail and depth.

Creating a heart-warming entertainment experience

Everything comes together as a ringtone that excites your senses and inspires emotions to have an entertaining effect


Dolby Atmos Premium 2019 for Windows 10 {B4tman} torrent2020-11-05T21:33:55+00:00