Aralık 2020
Windows 10 Version 1903 (May) untouched ISO Activator Torrent
admin2020-12-09T22:13:48+00:00Windows 10 Version 1903 (May) untouched ISO + Activator Torrent
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Installer for Windows 10 version 1903 ISO + intact
The same ISO includes the following editions of Windows 10:
Windows 10 Home
Windows 10 Family N.
Windows 10 Home monolingual
Windows 10 Professional
Windows 10 Professional N.
Windows 10 Professional for workstations
Windows 10 Professional for N Workstations.
Professional education for Windows 10
Vocational education Windows 10
Education for Windows 10
Windows 10 Education N.
—————- +
| How to use
+ —————- +
1) Open and read the instructions
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10445Windows 10 Themes download
admin2020-12-06T09:12:26+00:00Windows 10 Themes download
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All topics work with Windows 10 Pro and the latest Microsoft updates. Some may work on Windows 7
10445Microsoft Windows 10 Home and Pro x64 Clean ISO télécharger torrent
admin2020-12-05T06:53:09+00:00Microsoft Windows 10 Home and Pro x64 Clean ISO télécharger torrent
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Microsoft Windows 10 Famille et Pro x64 Clean ISO
Notez s’il vous plaît. Ce fichier d’installation contient Windows 10 Professionnel et
Accueil Windows 10. Consultez vos clés de produit pour déterminer
les produits sont inclus avec votre commande
Windows 10 Professionnel
Windows 10 Professionnel est conçu pour les petites et moyennes entreprises
organisations pour gérer leurs appareils et applications, pour protéger les données professionnelles
faciliter les scénarios distants et les appareils mobiles et utiliser le cloud
pour les organisations. En plus des petits et moyens
Les appareils Windows 10 Professionnel, un excellent choix pour les organisations
prend en charge les applications CYOD
Accueil Windows 10
Windows 10 Famille est l’expérience Windows 10 ultime pour le consommateur moyen
Il offre une expérience familière et personnalisée avec de nouvelles innovations
faire des choses et s’amuser. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités incluent: un tout nouveau site Web
Un navigateur conçu pour effectuer des opérations sur Internet. Windows Hello, qui a des fournisseurs d’utilisateurs
accueil chaleureux et connexion pratique *; et de nouvelles fonctionnalités multitâches incroyables
y compris la capture de diverses applications à l’écran et la création de bureaux virtuels
plus d’espace
Nom du fichier: Langue: anglais
SHA1: 60CCE9E9C6557335B4F7B18D02CFE2B438A8B3E2
NOTEZ S’IL VOUS PLAÎT. C’est de l’ISO pur sans modification. Torrent n’a pas d’activateur. Vous pouvez télécharger l’activateur ici
Microsoft Windows 10 Entreprise x64 Clean ISO
Windows 10 Entreprise s’appuie sur Windows 10 Professionnel avec des fonctionnalités supplémentaires
conçu pour répondre aux besoins des grandes et moyennes organisations
(y compris les grands établissements universitaires), comme une protection renforcée
contre les menaces de sécurité modernes, flexibilité totale pour implémenter le système d’exploitation
options de mise à jour et de support; ainsi qu’un appareil complet et
capacités de gestion et de contrôle des applications
Nom du fichier: Langue: anglais
SHA1: 30AD1CDF5D0670F12788005131E24862F6AB8AAB
NOTEZ S’IL VOUS PLAÎT. C’est de l’ISO pur sans modification. Torrent n’a pas d’activateur. Vous pouvez télécharger l’activateur ici
10445Java Development Kit Torrent Download
admin2020-12-04T19:53:03+00:00Java Development Kit Torrent Download
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All you need to compile and run the Java Java Kit Kit is the official Java programming language development software. Creating software in any computer language requires not only a text editor and syntax knowledge, but also a clear idea of what you want to create. You need a collector as an interpreter to translate your number into something understandable. This is an interesting alternative to Java and RText Runtime Environment.
(function () {(” review-app-page-desktop ‘);}); Learning JavaJavais is one of the most popular sign languages, and the Java Development Kit (or JDK) is its official development package. Currently, Java Development Bed is also one of the most popular development environments when creating Java code. This includes an image IDE (such as Eclipse) that requires a separate add-in for the Java Machine, which is important for creating certain types of Java-based software. The Java developer has a variety of tools, such as javac, Java byte code compiler, javap, parsing class, and more. is the solver. You will find this in a small Java development basket.
What to Expect from the Java Development Belt Unfortunately, if you have very little experience in the past, developing Java development is very difficult to learn without help. A computer for beginners can get a small bed over your head, although the set includes demos and code models that you received for Java developers, Java Development Kit – this is a very convenient place to develop – where the computer language requires only text editor and syntax knowledge, as well as a clear idea of what you are trying to create. You need a compiler as a translator to translate your number into something that is one of the most popular encoding languages, and the Java Development Kit (or JDK) is its official development package. Currently, Java Development Bed is also one of the most popular development environments when creating Java code. This includes an image IDE (such as Eclipse) that requires a separate add-in for the Java Machine, which is important for creating certain types of Java-based software.Java development has many tools such as javac, Java byte code compiler, javap, parsing class and more. is the solver. You will find this in Java Development Book Upgrade, whether you have very little experience with old coding or not, Java Development Bed is very difficult to learn without help. Starter computers can find a small bed over their head, although the set includes demonstration and numerical models that are experienced Java programmers, the Java Development Kit is a very useful decoding tool. The Java platform, standard version 7 (JDK 7) is a version of the Java platform. It has new services and improvements in many areas of work. See the developer’s website for more information on updates, changes, and the standard Java system. The Standard Version of Development Kit 7 (JDK 7) is a version of the platform. It has new services and improvements in many areas of work. Visit the developer’s website for more information on improvements, changes, and bugs.
10445Microsoft 365 32/64 Bit download
admin2020-12-02T11:00:24+00:00Microsoft 365 32/64 Bit download
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The Microsoft 365 cross-functional performance tool (formerly known as Office 365) is a cloud-based subscription service offered by Microsoft. By combining MS programs with cloud services, such as OneDrive and Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 aims to offer a variety of plans that allow you to use them virtually anywhere. Is this one of the top complete performance and collaboration application packages that PC and Mac users can carry in their bags?
Premium versions of popular Microsoft performance apps can be found at Microsoft365 with the addition of 1 TB OneDrive cloud storage for file and photo storage and Microsoft Teams for easy team and business (feature) () ‘);});
When it comes to presentations, text documents and spreadsheets, users can use the latest versions of Microsoft’s top applications. PowerPoint, Word and Excel are well-known applications that can do this job. E-mails, appointments and other communication tasks can be easily managed with Outlook’s calendar and e-mail features. Microsoft 365 also includes Publisher, software that focuses more on creating than pasting text. This facilitates the organization of your documents, as the text does not complicate the layout of tables, images and other elements inserted. With this text wrapping package, not all activities, tasks and processes that can be performed with Microsoft365 will be included, it includes Access in the list of applications. Access is used to manage information and data that can be used later for reference, analysis and important reports. Access is a very powerful application when it comes to data processing.
Always up to date
The fact that Microsoft365 is a subscription service is that all of your applications are always up to date. All newly released features and add-ons can be used immediately by subscribers, compared to those paid only onceSoftware from Microsoft. With that, there are two subscription options for Microsoft365. Users can use the 1-year subscription as a standalone player with Microsoft365 Personal or have a subscription shared by 6 people with Microsoft365 Home.
Updating these applications is not the only thing that users can enjoy with the software, as it also comes with 60 minutes of Skype calls to landlines and cell phones (per month and per account).
Microsoft365 runs on multiple platforms, such as Mac, Windows, iOS and Android, allowing users to use applications at any time and on any device, especially with OneDrive. Microsoft also ensures that all data shared through cloud storage is kept confidential by third parties, except for those who have legal access to it. Microsoft365 provides efficient solutions for all office and other business tasks for its users.
10445Minecraft Download
admin2020-12-01T19:09:12+00:00Minecraft Download
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Get creative Minecraft is a sand video game that has taken over the gaming world. Games in a sandy environment revolve around using the creativity of the players to achieve a built-in goal. This game is not just exciting, distracting or fun. Minecraft is a mine of endless and creative scenes made with the simplest construction (function) (‘review-app-page-desktop’), build, explore and take life to a whole new level, Minecraft is as old as the mountains. decades of collecting dust on the shelves, but Minecraft is as popular as ever.This classic video game of all time provides you with tools to build everything from simple homes to the whole world.Minecraft attracts the thinker and fighter to many obstacles complex creation Minecraft is a survival game in which you have to use various tools to survive in a given environment.Your survival depends not only on the environment around you, but players must be prepared for predators who can choose creative situations and explore endless worlds and unlimited creative resources.The path to survival is the path of heroes Inside: Finding Weapons, Armor and War Against You was first posted on the PC platform.It hit the gaming community like a target ora. Most people still play and love the PC version, and many users choose to download their games directly. Minecraft games have been streamed to platforms such as YouTube, Twitch, Miker and others. Communicating in the game of communication, the main communities of Minecraft testify to the heritage and love of the game. The latest version of Minecraft allows you to play on mobile devices or Windows 10. You can choose a multiplayer version and play with up to ten friends anytime, anywhere. Up to four players can connect to the Minecraft mashup via Xbox online. Is! Can you run this app? This software only works with Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions). A similar tool is also availablefor Android users, although it would be wise to consider it a completely different program. For different operating systems, the software itself would need to be written and designed with technology that can transform your game and add-ons and encourage data-driven behavior to create a highly selected Minecraft game featuring multiple live games. toy industry. This program is unique, however, in the different views it offers: for the first and third person to join the game, you will be born in a random place with an amazing island. The map in Minecraft is very expandable. You can play Minecraft all your life, building your home and collecting tools, equipment and other resources for future activities. You can also try your luck in agriculture by planting various plants or raising animals such as sheep, cattle, pigs, and it has elements of agriculture, architecture and is also interesting. Players looking for danger and pleasure will like non-veteran fire and danger underground, and that is another trend called the World. Overworld is used by players in the final mission when players kill Ender the Dragon, who is the main boss, to finish the game. Players play The Wither Boss, one of the gang bosses in Minecraft from endless visual creative projects. You can make real ones in Minecraft – using only the available materials. This is the main reason why Minecraft never survives. You can use resources like wood, stone, sand, wool and others. There is also a design feature that allows you to create items, such as beds, weapons, swords, poles, arrows, stoves, food and more. There are also many resources available in sports. Many tools and tools produce real-life items that can be used to create and create a variety of in-game items to survive later. Players around are transported live by the old man to this day. You should rely on materials such as metal, wood, stone,sand, cotton, fine, diamonds, emeralds, bamboo, potatoes, wheat and more for your Minecraft. As mentioned above, Minecraft is not always for the weak. Players can increase the level of danger and violence in their game. You have a bunch of working people and spectators just in the game. Some Minecraft groups lead groups that are your enemies. These features add complexity and intrigue to the game. Here are a few gangs in Minecraft: Zombies: There are a lot of zombies in Minecraft. Zombies are also of various types, such as ordinary zombies, immersed zombies, fabric (live dynamite). There are even village zombies, and the fireball found in it is also found on Nether and fireballs. Still floating are basically the enemies of the villagers. Attackers attack with magic and various movements at lightning speed and can kill with bows and arrows to attack the mysterious Minecraft. Minecraft also includes the use of magic. You can also use magic to cast weapons and armor. Magic is also used by evil robbers who destroy it. With magic, they can gain various powers such as underwater breathing, fire resistance, rehabilitation, unbreakable and a night game that lasts until your mind reaches. Minecraft may not have a cropped image, but that’s intentional. These pictures are perfect for a good game. The pixel effect comes from the Minecraft base – most of the small ones are basically a world of squares, perfect blocks for your future kingdom. It may not be a wonderful battle or Fortnite pictures, or the adrenaline of Grand Theft Auto V. However, the ultimate Minecraft game has as much potential as the mind can offer. The game will only age when a player misses feedback. It is necessary for every player.
10445Kasım 2020
Windows 10 Pro X32
admin2020-11-30T13:10:15+00:00Windows 10 Pro X32 & X64 product key and windows usb instal torrent download
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Windows 10 Pro X32 & X64 with Windows USB product key and installation processor
10445Windows 10 Pro X32
admin2020-11-30T13:10:04+00:00Windows 10 Pro X32 & X64 product key and windows usb instal torrent download
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Windows 10 Pro X32 & X64 with Windows USB product key and installation processor