Aralık 2020
Kasım 2020
WhatsApp 32-Bit
admin2020-11-23T11:58:15+00:00WhatsApp 32-Bit & 64-Bit Download
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Sync chats with WhatsApp seamlessly and anywhere PCWhatsApp is one of the most popular chat and instant messaging software available today. The service allows users to store information by sending messages via a computer connected to the Internet. People typically use this app on mobile devices, but you can finally chat with a newer version of Windows from the desktop (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); from your computer or WhatsApp download, you can easily access your running computer or laptop. New desktop software is available for download on Windows and MacOS. The application is synchronized with the application on your mobile device. As you set the background, you can change the notifications and shortcuts to your liking. The stylish interface and WhatsApp’s simple desktop interface is what you can’t expect in waves or aggressively. The choices are clear and well organized. Anyone who knows Android WhatsApp does not need navigation and usability explanations. If you don’t feel comfortable, it’s easy to learn. Learning did not take much time or effort. The options are similar to Android WhatsApp. Users can also view a version of the browser that is very similar in functionality and layout. In addition to good features, downloading WhatsApp to your computer is similar to the mobile and web versions. It offers more than you expect to see and do, except that it is now on the big screen. You can chat, send and receive photos or other documents. The app also allows you to create and manage groups and make changes to your profile. Live synchronization After installing this application, you need to analyze the QR code on your mobile device. It’s similar to the WhatsApp Network. Your device syncs and you can start chatting on your tablet or desktop computer. Although the application is similar to the web version, it is best to find the conversation without opening a browser. You can easily access the app by adjusting the settings so you can receive desktop notifications in your own language. The problem is that you need a constant connection to your phone. If your mobile device is dead, you won’t be able to access the desktop version. Some programs, such as LINE, provide a one-time password method. This keeps your message safe, but does not interfere with your work experience when your phone’s battery is empty. Better, faster, and easier communication The connection is usually fast through your computer, so files are transferred quickly and messages are sent quickly. Not only is the screen bigger and easier for the eyes, but the dialogue on the computer keyboard is also faster and more convenient for many. As with other versions, this chat app allows you to manage groups of up to 256 people at once. You can also define a group and edit alerts. They are essential for event planning or professional situations. Best experience If your computer has a webcam and microphone, you can send pictures, videos, and sound clips through your computer. The phone must always be connected. Unfortunately, the fact that the application is connected to your phone has doubled. Your mobile device must be connected every time you use Windows WhatsApp. To reduce data usage, make sure your Android or iPhone is connected to a Wi-Fi network. Some missing options have limitations, some surprises in the workplace program. There are few options, such as the ability to connect with people via audio and video. You also can’t get WindowsShare your current location with WhatsApp for 10 computers. Alternative software If you are looking for other platforms, you can try several similar programs. Windows LINE works the same way as WhatsApp, but you don’t need a regular phone connection to use desktop software. Instead, you enter a one-time password and access your account on a computer. However, you need a valid phone number so the requirements remain the same. You can also take a telegram to your desktop, but you’ll still need a mobile phone account like LINE and WhatsApp. This software is also available for Mac. If you do not have a trusted number, IM + is the best choice. It connects all your messaging services to popular accounts like Facebook. This is a great option, especially if you want to keep all your messages on your desktop. For those who work a lot on a computer during the day and don’t want to worry about switching devices, Windows WhatsApp is the perfect phone. Our only hope for the future is that we can enjoy this application without the phones being connected. Although there are few troubles and missing services, this desktop version of popular messaging software is simple and well designed. Although this app can run independently without being connected to a mobile device, you’ll need to download it for every WhatsApp user with a Windows computer. If you download the latest version of the desktop application, you will have a smooth connection as long as your device is running Windows 10 or later. For best results, WhatsApp recommends that your computer also have a keyboard, mouse, and integrated camera.
10445Windows 10 Gamer Edition Enterprise x64 2004 July 2020 Team-LiL Télécharger Torrent
admin2020-11-23T03:00:41+00:00Windows 10 Gamer Edition Enterprise x64 2004 July 2020 Team-LiL Télécharger Torrent
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Windows 10 Gamer Edition Enterprise x64 2004 En-Us juillet 2020 Team-LiL
Créée par lil-fella (Team-LiL)
Activation de licence numérique pour Windows 10
Supprimer l’activation automatique du script d’activation CMD lors de l’installation
a déjà un Windows Store et un navigateur Edge
Ajouté à la construction
Mises à jour Microsoft Windows
Cadre Microsoft –
Package de redistribution Microsoft XNA Framework
Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005-2019 (x86 x64)
Direct 9-12
Méga K-lite
WinRAR x64
Amplificateur de jeu intelligent
Tweaker Winaero
Ouvrez le menu d’accueil du shell + skins supplémentaires
Patcher UltraUXTheme
Sujets supplémentaires
Portable (lecteur C)
Écran bleu d’affichage X64
CPU-Z 192
Éditeur de fichiers hôte +158
Inspecteur Nvidia
Spécifications système
Outil de la barre des tâches
WhatsInStartup x64
Puissance du réseau Wi-Fi
Conception du plan d’alimentation prédéfini
Cortana, télémétrie
Interface graphique classique – Activer l’interface Classic Action Center
GUI classique – Activez l’interface d’éjection de batterie classique
Interface graphique classique – Activez l’interface classique du calendrier
GUI classique – Activez l’interface de contrôle du volume classique
Interface graphique classique – Activez la visionneuse de photos Windows classique
Menu contextuel – Activer le Bloc-notes pour ouvrir les fichiers nfo
Explorer – Désactiver les annonces et les notifications
Explorer – Désactiver le suivi des utilisateurs
Explorer – augmente le cache d’icônes à 4 Mo
Explorer – exécuter dans un processus distinct
Interface utilisateur moderne – Applications – désactiver Cortana
Interface utilisateur moderne – Applications – Cortana désactive la recherche Internet
Interface utilisateur moderne – Applications – Intégration avec la désactivation d’Ondrive
Interface utilisateur moderne – réduisez la vitesse de fermeture des applications avec une interface utilisateur moderne
Menu Démarrer – désactiver les programmes récemment ajoutés
Menu Démarrer – Désactiver les applications d’interface utilisateur suggérées
Système – Activer le grand cache système
Système – délai d’expiration de vérification du disque correct (5 s)
Système – Améliorez la vitesse d’arrêt
Système – la bonne réponse au shell Windows
Système – Réduisez le délai de lancement des applications sur votre ordinateur
Barre des tâches – Augmenter la transparence
Fonctionnalités supprimées / désactivées
Constructeur 3D
impression en 3D
Visionneuse 3D
Interface utilisateur moderne – Bing Finance
Interface utilisateur moderne – Nourriture et boisson
Interface utilisateur moderne – santé et fitness
Interface utilisateur moderne – Bing News
Interface utilisateur moderne – Bing Sports
Interface utilisateur moderne – Bing Travel
Interface utilisateur moderne – Météo
Cadre (personnes)
Mon peuple
Les deux 3D
impression en 3D
Reproduction dans le commerce de détail
Musique de Zune
Vidéo Zune
Sauvegardes en ligne OneDrive
Expériences utilisateur et télémétrie associées
Services exclus
Expérience utilisateur connectée et télémétrie – désactivées
Cartouche d’impression moi
OOBE non autorisé (révisé)
Compte administrateur local
Connexion automatique
nom d’utilisateur = GAMER
mot de passe = GAMER
sélectionnez la langue au début de l’installation
choisissez où installer sur votre ordinateur
attendez l’installation.
le compte administrateur GAMER local sera créé automatiquement
le bureau doit se connecter automatiquement après l’installation
Crédits: pour le script d’activation
Script d’activation Microsoft Windows Addict
ShortURL –
ISOIMAGE= Compression ESD GB utilisée
MD5 = FEEBE9607238A0CAD4053988D44BF87D
SHA-1 = DFCC796261D6AB9AB290BB8D97271E80348E9741
envoyer vos commentaires sur la chaîne Discord
commentaires des joueurs sur win-10
10445Microsoft Windows 10 Home and Pro x64 Clean ISO torrent
admin2020-11-21T16:46:56+00:00Microsoft Windows 10 Home and Pro x64 Clean ISO torrent
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Microsoft Windows 10 Home Pro x64 Clean ISO
Nota: Este arquivo de configuração contém Windows 10 Professional e
Inicie Windows 10. Verifique as chaves do produto para determinar que
produtos estão incluídos em sua assinatura
Windows 10 Pro
O Windows 10 Pro foi projetado para pequenas médias empresas que permitem
organizações para gerenciar seus dispositivos aplicativos, proteger seus dados de negócios
facilitar cenários remotos dispositivos móveis usar a nuvem
tecnologias para suas organizações. Além de pequeno médio
Os dispositivos Windows 10 Pro são uma ótima escolha para organizações
suporta aplicativos CYOD
Iniciando Windows 10
O Windows 10 Home é a melhor experiência do Windows 10 para consumidores em geral
Ofereça uma experiência familiar pessoal combinada com novas inovações
faça as coisas divirta-se mais. Os novos recursos incluem: um site totalmente novo
navegador criado para fazer coisas online; Usuários do Windows Hello
recepção amigável conveniente check-in *; novos recursos multitarefa incríveis
incluindo a captura de vários aplicativos na tela a criação de desktops virtuais
por mais espaço
Nome do arquivo: Idioma: Inglês
SHA1: 60CCE9E9C6557335B4F7B18D02CFE2B438A8B3E2
NOTA: Este é um ISO limpo não modificado. Não há gatilho no quadro de atividades. Você pode baixar ativador aqui
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 ISO net
O Windows 10 Enterprise é baseado no Windows 10 Pro adiciona recursos premium
projetado para atender às necessidades de organizações de grande médio porte
(incluindo as principais instituições acadêmicas), como proteção avançada
contra ameaças de segurança modernas, flexibilidade completa para implementação de sistema operacional
opções de atualização suporte; bem como um dispositivo completo e
gerenciamento de aplicativos recursos de controle
Nome do arquivo: Idioma: Inglês
SHA1: 30AD1CDF5D0670F12788005131E24862F6AB8AAB
NOTA: Este é um ISO limpo não modificado. Não há gatilho no quadro de atividades. Você pode baixar ativador aqui
10445SamDrivers 17.10 (Collection of drivers for windows) -CrackzSoft descargar torrent
admin2020-11-14T09:14:53+00:00SamDrivers 17.10 (Collection of drivers for windows) -CrackzSoft descargar torrent
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No olvide visitar las guías más recientes otro software de Win-Mac
Versión del software:
Idioma: ruso / multilingüe
Plataforma: k86 / k64
Desarrollador de software:
Medicina: no se requiere (programas gratuitos)
Requisitos del sistema: Windows de Windows 2000 a Windows 10 Descripción:
Controlador instalado para todos los sistemas operativos Windows de 32 64 bits, desde Windows 2000 hasta Windows 10 RS2, incluidas las plataformas de servidor. Se utilizan programas especiales como shell de instalación para la detección automática de hardware la instalación de los controladores necesarios: DriverPack Solution Plus / Driver Installation Assistant / Snappy Driver Installer / DRP / Backup Driver Backup Drivers Esta colección incluye los últimos controladores para la fecha de lanzamiento. recopilado personalmente por SamLab. No confunda este paquete con el paquete de controladores de Bashrat, es más nuevo estable. SamLab ha sido miembro del equipo de Bashrat durante mucho tiempo tuvo la oportunidad de aprender todo sobre todos los paquetes de controladores problemáticos para crear el conjunto más completo sin conflictos para él.
10445EA SPORTS Cricket torrent download
admin2020-11-13T23:08:37+00:00EA SPORTS Cricket torrent download
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ItCricket swinging and winging is a very exciting and potentially intense sports game. For fans who want to taste what an exciting sport it is, EA Sports Cricket is here for you. With multiple camera angles and 3D graphics, players can enjoy playing on the cricket field like a real international boost. The game offers players different modes to try. These game modes allow you to participate in many cricket events around the world. For example, the screen mode leads to a cricket tournament and a world game of cricket. It also makes you experience foreign games and cricket tournaments. In contrast, Domestic Mode allows you to play in a variety of tournament sets, such as Australian State Cricket, All Season and Pure Cup. During the games you can meet teams and leagues from other countries. This means that your teammates and opponents are based on real-life professional cricketers, so if you’re a fan, expect to meet some of your idols while playing here. There are also about 35 arenas where you can play (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Batting for your life Now beginners and professionals can enjoy it without much worries. The game follows the rules and system of real sports. Also, the controls are not a problem as they are not very complicated and responsive. Catching this cricket ball and sending it flying to a wide arena is a cake. You’ll find that EA Sports Cricket is really interesting because it gives a similar perspective to what you see in live broadcasts. From the grandstands you can see the whole field, all the players and your character. In fact, it’s easier to control and schedule your movements when the ball is thrown at you when you’re playing from a wide angle. In addition, players will have the opportunity to review how they performed during the game, through the replay button of a complex game. Cricket Sports Cricket is a very addictive game that makes you jump from one tournament to another. another. Even players who weren’t originally fans of the sport are passionate about the game.
10445PhotoScape x64 x86 download torrent
admin2020-11-04T02:22:47+00:00PhotoScape x64 x86 download torrent
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A good alternative to PhotoshopPhotoScape is a free photo editing program that has quite a few features and tools to make people who take photos seriously want to see them. While it’s not on par with Photoshop, it’s as close as any free photo editor, and while it doesn’t look great, it works better than many photo editors with a lot of potential PhotoScape – a great free photo editor, users a large number of tools and very useful function to enhance and edit their photos. While it doesn’t offer the same flexibility as Photoshop, it does require a lot of installation to completion (functionality ({(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Install Photoscape downloads Downloading and installing PhotoScape is painless and fast The installation wizard can sometimes combine other programs so you should always pay attention, but the overall effect is light. Once you open the program, you will see an interface that looks a bit strange. This is mainly because the main screen looks unbalanced on the screen. right side and almost none on the left side.once you select an option it disappears, but make your first experience with this app a bit strange.Photo editing options On a rather strange home screen, you are presented with two ways to interact with the software. communicating photo editing By clicking on one of the icons around the main PhotoScape icon, you can save and open it from a tab at the top of the program. on the home screen, you can also access language settings, other options and some other software from the same developer, namely PhotoScape X for Mac, VideoBlend for Mac, and Morning Kit for Android. Various photo editing options as shown in the tab: Photo Scene: Home screen view: File explorer Editor: Simple but useful photo editor Group editor: edit multiple files at once Page: a kind of photo maker Combination: combine multiple photos into one GIF animation: create animated GIF Print: print your photo Help: help file When you return to the main page, you can access all these options and some others, namely: Raw converter: convert Raw color options to JPG: select specific colors Screenshot: Take photos of whatever it says on your screen Border: Divide the image into several parts Rename: Rename the image file Print on paper: Print the image on supporting paper (music, graphic paper, etc.). Editing photos with PhotoScape For many people, the ability to edit PhotoScapes is important. The app works well, although the editing capabilities are not at the same level as the more advanced photo editing programs. When you open an image in the editor, you’ll see an image on the home screen, a file explorer on the left, and editing options at the bottom. Editing options can be divided into houses, objects, plants and tools. The main limitation here is that PhotoScape does not support layers, but supports many other great editing options. On the home page, you can resize photos and apply all kinds of general effects, such as effects, filters and simple editing options such as color, sharpness, and black and white. With objects you can write on an image or add shapes and symbols to it. The cutout offersa variety of options and photo cutting tools, giving you access to more targeted settings, such as red-eye removal and clone stoning. Is PhotoScape a viable alternative to Photoshop? Or does PhotoScape work to edit your photos actually depending on what you want to do, or how professional you want to get the end result. If you need the real shine and creativity that layers provide, you will likely be missing out on a little PhotoScape. If you just want to make a big change while having fun with your photos, PhotoScape is a great choice. This allows you to enjoy all the operations, with much more complex and easier to navigate programs. That doesn’t mean PhotoScape can’t take professional photos – it will take longer, since PhotoScape isn’t as easy as the paid tiers, but it’s still a great application. When people talk about photo editing software, one of the first questions that comes to mind is this is about layers. Since Photoshop is a great application (and Photoshop has layers), it is often seen as a staple when it comes to what’s good about this program. However, the truth is, many of us don’t need layers when editing photos. If you think you can do without it, PhotoScape is a great place to start. This takes a hands-on approach that allows you to significantly alter photos and, unlike alternatives such as Picsart, focuses more on editing original photos than creating attractive photos to share online. If you’re looking for a photo of a horse with no price tag, PhotoScape should be your first stop. What’s New Some changes have been made to the latest PhotoScape updates. These include: Added ‘Black and White’ and ‘Bandicoot’ filters (Editor> Home, Smart Blur Brush added (Editor> Tools> Effect Brush), brush size increased from 3 to 4 and made bigger, added 29 additional film effects , so now 35 Movie Effects (Editor> Home) and a better “Movie Effects” interface.
10445GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows Torrent
admin2020-11-02T18:27:25+00:00GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows Torrent
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GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for Windows, OS X, GNU / Linux and other operating systems. This is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes.
The suitability of GIMP for use in a professional environment is regularly reviewed; is often compared to Adobe Photoshop and is available as an alternative. GIMP has similar functionality to Photoshop, but has a different user interface.
Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator or scientist, GIMP provides advanced tools to help you do just that. You can further improve your performance with GIMP with many settings and third-party plug-ins.
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High quality photo processing
GIMP provides the tools needed for quality image processing. From regrouping to recovery to creative compositions, the only limitation is your imagination.
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Creation of original works of art
GIMP gives artists the strength and flexibility to turn images into completely unique creations.
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Elements of graphic design
GIMP is used to create icons, graphic design elements and art for the user interface and simulation components.
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10445Ekim 2020
iTunes 10.5 for Windows Télécharger Torrent
admin2020-10-29T21:03:25+00:00iTunes 10.5 for Windows Télécharger Torrent
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ITunes dans le cloud fait apparaître automatiquement la musique, les applications et les livres que vous achetez sur tous vos appareils. Ou vous pouvez télécharger exactement ce que vous voulez sur vos appareils
ITunes est un programme de lecteur multimédia utilisé pour lire, télécharger, enregistrer et organiser des fichiers musicaux et vidéo numériques sur des ordinateurs de bureau ou portables. Vous pouvez également gérer le contenu sur iPod, iPhone, iPod Touch et iPad.
iTunes peut se connecter à l’iTunes Store pour acheter et télécharger de la musique, des clips vidéo, des émissions de télévision, des jeux iPod, des livres audio, des podcasts, des films et des films en location (non disponibles dans tous les pays) et des sonneries (disponibles uniquement sur iPhone et iPod). Génération). Il est également utilisé pour télécharger des logiciels d’application depuis l’App Store pour iPhone, iPad et iPod Touch.
10445Winamp download
admin2020-10-23T20:24:35+00:00Winamp download
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Winamp free media player for ages is a classic free media player for Windows. It has been around for years and knows exactly what its users do and hate. It’s often updated and almost completely adaptable, if you’re the kind of person who still loves and enjoys an independent media player, you’re probably huge, is this Winamp ? Winamp is a veteran media player for Windows. It is highly adaptable, very easy to use and supports a large number of file formats, including MP3, MIDI, MOD, MPEG-1 1 and 2 audio layers, AAC, M4A, FLAC, WAV and WMA . The program also offers a small player, which you can attach to the taskbar even more easily (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Winamp download and install Winamp is a classic Windows application that should not cause any installation or download problems. During installation, you will be asked if you want to make it a default player for certain file types, and you will be able to make your own installation (well, if you know what you are doing and have you some settings). In addition, installing Winamp is a very smooth cruise. Once it’s all set, you’ll need to go to the settings menu to enter any of the unrivaled Winamp settings. They are truly impressive, with ways to change almost any aspect of how a program looks, works, works with files or finds new media. If you are interested in this type of specification, Winamp will provide you with hours of entertainment without even opening a media file! Using the classic player Back in 2006, when Winamp first launched, we may have to explain how to use it, but today we think you’ll have a pretty good idea how to deal with it! When you first open the program, it will ask you which music and video folders you want to connect and whether you need to import iTunes. Once this is resolved, you will see the file structure on the left side of the window, and the play media is currently in the middle. At the top you have a playlist editor and playlist search function, and at the bottom you have a media monitor that automatically imports any newly discovered media (say, from a website or streaming service. Only when you’re open or play the main window opens.When only music or audio is played, the player offers a smaller interface, and once the main window is open, you can use tabs watch your video, the full media library, retro visualization of what’s being played, or even the main web browser.Another classic feature of Winamp – the ability to change player skins – is also waiting the same.You will find it in the skin options menu in the top panel Interesting story Winamp’s recent history It was especially smooth.The software updates actually ended in 2013 and were redeemed in 2014. Until lately, everything was relatively quiet when public Winamp was back with a new bition plan for the dominance of media players. the new Winam actually focuses on the mobile media player. which works perfectly on all platforms and plays all multimedia sources(music, streaming services, etc.) through a single interface. However, as an extra gesture for their loyal fans (many!), They have also released this updated version for Windows. You’re unlucky ?! A classic media player that just doesn’t work. Easy to laugh with Winamp. He’s been around for years, looking like his age, and the last few years he’s spent, especially stuck in “a kind of technical uncertainty — but still a supplement to his account. For millions of Winamps (yes, millions) of users worldwide they wouldn’tconsider opportunities You can reset it, configure it, and it works great, and for many it’s a great alternative to streaming and the iTunes scary.- you may be more impressed than you think! Another good alternative is VLC Media Player.What’s New The latest version of Winamp has recently leaked. this is official, with fixes to make it more stable for users.