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A Cabana 2017

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Ağustos 2020

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When Quinn Ackerman’s admission to Dream University depends on his performance in a dance competition, he forms a group of dancers who compete with the best team with whom he just has to learn to dance.
Author Laura Terruso:
Alison Peck stars:
Keiynan Lonsdale, Liza Koshy, Briana Andrade-Gomes | When Quinn Ackerman’s admission to Dream University depends on his performance in a dance competition, he forms a group of dancers who compete with the best team with whom he just has to learn to dance.


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Doze estranhos acordaram na clareira. Eles não sabem onde estão ou como chegaram lá. Eles não sabem que Hunting foi escolhido – para um propósito muito específico.
Escritores Craig Zobel:
Nick Cuse, estrela Damon Lindelof:
Betty Gilpin, Hilary Swank Ike Barinholtz | “Doze alienígenas acordam na clareira. Eles não sabem onde estão – ou como chegaram lá. À sombra de uma obscura teoria da conspiração via internet, elitistas implacáveis ​​se reúnem em um local remoto para caçar. Pessoas por esportes O recrutamento vai parar quando uma das caçadas , Crystal, virou jogo para seus perseguidores.

Munido de uma palavra, Tenet, lutando pela sobrevivência do mundo inteiro, um protagonista viaja pelo mundo sombrio da espionagem internacional em uma missão que acontecerá fora do tempo real.
Christopher Nolan Autor:
Estrela de Christopher Nolan:
John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki No mundo sombrio da espionagem internacional, um agente anônimo conhecido como Protagonista é recrutado por uma organização misteriosa chamada Tenet para participar de uma missão que ocorre fora do tempo real. Missão: prevenir Andrei Stora, um oligarca russo renegado com informações privilegiadas, desde início de III. Guerra Mundial. O personagem principal logo dominará a arte de “reverter tempo” para enfrentar a ameaça que vem.


A Caçada 2020 completo baixar torrent2020-08-24T10:20:22+00:00

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The Big Short 2015

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Thx Hive

CM8 Getting it right first time

Source: DVD-Screener Big THX m8


DVDScreener 15

we held this title back for up to a week after the cinema premiere to give the film a chance to play within budget, we learned from our mistake


We had no intention of commenting on recent events at all, but now we think we should.

Sorry to disappoint M but there was no hacking or anything. we got the copies sold by a guy on the street, no decryption needed. we were certainly not the only ones.

cpl other movies have been on the net days ago, not made of us

So we wanted to share these films with people who are not rich enough or who can’t watch all the nominated films in the cinema.

Of course, these files do not represent the films how they can be enjoyed in the cinema.

As stated in our blog, support the producers and watch all films from the cinema on the big screen as you should anyway.

Producers need the money from ticket sales to recover production costs.

Regarding the movie Hateful Eight:

Sorry for the problems we caused the release of this great movie before cinedate even started.

we never intended to hurt anyone by doing this, we didn’t know it would become so popular so quickly

The Hateful Eight is an outstanding, thrilling and entertaining western that combines great staging, great cast, beautiful screenplay, beautiful photographs and memorable score.

All of these elements make The Hateful Eight a memorable Quentin Tarantino film at its best.

Now that everyone is talking about this movie, we don’t think the producers will lose any money on cinedate, and now we’re telling you why.

we actually think it created a new kind of hype that’s more prevalent in news, radio and newspapers than in Star Wars, and the promotional fees for it were free

If we say that 5% of people plan to watch this movie in theaters, because of this media surge we inadvertently created, we think now 40% of people will watch this movie in theaters.

because everyone is talking about it and everyone wants to see the movie that made so much noise.

this will certainly boost movie ticket sales.

we really hope this has helped the producers in the long run, so that production costs are covered and more

we also believe that the hate film 8 is the best contender for the awards and will win a mile over the others

tarantino thanks for this wonderful movie

sorry it was around christmas, we had no plans at all that we weren’t going to make another movie before its cinematography,

and we don’t go all the way to 40 as planned, we think we’ve done enough already.



the quality was right about it.

it became very nice


Video: 720×288 @bitrate 1400 2pass

Audio: AC3 English stereo

Sample: yes included


Full name :

Format: AVI

Format / Information: Video InterlayerAudio

File size: Gio

Duration: 2h 10mn

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Duration: 2h 10mn

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Color space: YUV

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Bits / (Pixel Frame *):

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Format / Information: Audio coding 3

Mode extension: CM (full main)

Format settings, Endianness: Large

Codec ID: 2000

Duration: 2h 10mn

Bit rate mode: constant

Bit rate: 256 Kbps

Channel (s): 2 channels

Channel positions: Front: L R.

Sampling rate: KHz

Bit depth: 16 bits

Compression mode: lossy

Stream size: 238 MiB (15%)

Alignment: divided between dividers

Intertwined, duration: 33 ms (video frame)

Interweaving, charging time: 500 ms



Four high finance outsiders predicted the credit and real estate bubble

the fall of the mid 2000s decided to attack the big banks for their lack of foresight and greed.

Throw it away

Ryan Gosling … Jared Vennett

Christian Bale … Michael Burry

Steve Carell … Mark Baum

Marisa Tomei … Cynthia Baum

Brad Pitt … Ben Rickert

Selena Gomez … Selena Gomez


The Big Short 2015 Download Full Movie Torrent2020-08-10T18:42:12+00:00

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After cutting herself off softball and feeling a bit ahead of her prime minister, Lisa found herself on the brink of her life and in the middle of a love triangle, as a corporate man in crisis competing with her current baseball player.
James L. Brooks Author:
James L. Brooks stars:
Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson Softball star Lisa has just been cut by the national team; Businessman George has just been charged by his father’s company. With everything taken from their lives, Lisa and George try to find romance. Lisa Mattie’s potential boyfriend, however, is just as stupid and unmarried forever, and George’s love pushes him away. A careless relationship through mutual friends, Lisa and George may be able to establish a friendship or more that can help them rise from the pile of lemons that life has given them.


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Temmuz 2020

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A schoolgirl who lives opposite her shop falls into the small town of Panwalla. He experiences love, jealousy and saving without ever meeting him.
Apurva Dhar Badgaiyann ​​Author:
Stars of Apurva Dhar Badgaiyann:
Jitendra Kumar, Ritika Badiani, Bhuvan Arora Chaman Bahaar revolves around Bill, the owner of a panic shop in a young small town, who has fallen in love with a beautiful schoolgirl who lives in a house opposite his shop. Her shop becomes the center of all the young boys in the area, where they gather to observe the girl. At the same time, Bill silences his love for the lady and experiences a complete romance and heart without the girl ever being aware of him.


Chaman Bahaar 2020 free download torrent2020-07-06T19:57:06+00:00

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The aging patriarch of the organized crime dynasty handed over control of his secret kingdom to his unwilling son.
Author Francis Ford Coppola:
Mario Puzo (screenplay written), Francis Ford Coppola (screenplay written) | Godfather “Don” Vito Corleone is the head of the Corleone Mafia family in New York. She was at her daughter’s wedding. Michael, Vito’s youngest son and decorated World War II navy, was also present at the wedding. Michael does not seem interested in being part of the family business. Vito is a strong man and good for all who respect him, but cruel to those who do not. But if strong and treacherous rivals want to sell drugs and need Don’s influence, Vito rejects it. The following is a conflict between Vito’s old values ​​and the new ways that could have led Michael to do what he least wanted and to wage a mass war against all other mafia families that could destroy the Corleone family.


Der Pate 1972 TPB AC3 Movie Download Torrent2020-07-06T16:15:43+00:00

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Phantom Thread 2017

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Founded in London in 1950, Reynolds Wooddock is a famous tailor whose strong-willed little daughter, Alma, becomes brave and loving.

Director: Paul Thomas Anderson

Author: Paul Thomas Anderson

Stars: Vicki Cripps, Daniel Day-Lewis, Leslie Manville

Genres: Drama romance

Country: USA

Source: DrinkBetterWater

File: Phantom Thread 2017 DVDSCR x264 AC3 TiTAN

: 2 hours 10 minutes

File: GiB

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Video: 1 445 kb / s


Video: AVC

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